RussiaToday-Video-News:Putin divorce: President and wife say 'their marriage is over'

Russia's President Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila have announced their "marriage is over". "It was our joint decision, our marriage is over," President Putin said in the interview to Russia24 state channel.
The announcement was made at the Grand Kremlin Palace, where Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin attended the Esmeralda ballet

For a sixth night running in Turkey, it was more of the same. Clashes leading to police unleashing their water cannons and tear gas on protesters. A third fatality has been confirmed in the unrest, after a man died from head injuries in an Ankara hospital. Activists want the police chiefs responsible for their violent tactics removed and urged officials to ban the use of tear gas. Protesters also want all those that have been detained, released saying that could end the days of riots. The Turkish Prime minister returns from a trip to North Africa later, and will be expected to do something about the public discontent which has seen demands for him to reverse all his policies. But as RT's Irina Galushko reports, Erdogan appears to be looking for scapegoats.

Should Bradley Manning be on trial? What is he supposedly guilty of? Is he merely a scapegoat, a warning to all whistleblowers? And what does this trial say about the US judicial system? CrossTalking with Tighe Barry and David Sheldon.

Growing Islamism in the region is a driving force in the lifeblood of the Turkish protests, and even has the sympathy of the police, but the Turkish military is waiting in the wings, political expert Avigdor Eskin told RT

US drone strikes on Pakistani soil must end - that's according to the country's newly elected Prime Minister, who's once again demanded Washington respects his country's sovereignty. This comes amid mounting reports of the many civilian casualties in America's war on terror - RT's Lucy Kafanov met some of them. Her report contains some graphic images.

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