Syria air strikes: David Cameron warns of long campaign

The mission to target so-called Islamic State militants in Syria could take "some time" and will require persistence, PM David Cameron has said.
RAF Tornados conducted air strikes on six targets in Syria, "successfully" attacking IS-controlled oilfields, the Ministry of Defence confirmed.
There will be "strong support from our allies" for the action, the PM said.

Cambodia jails doctor for mass HIV infections

An unlicensed Cambodian doctor has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for infecting about 200 people with HIV, some of whom later died.
A court found that Yem Chrin, 56, had reused dirty needles when treating patients in the village of Roka in north-western Battambang province.
Yem Chrin's charge had been reduced from murder to manslaughter. He said he was only trying to help the community.

McDonald's faces European tax probe

The European Commission has opened an investigation into the tax affairs of US fast food chain McDonald's.
The investigation will focus on McDonald's tax deals with Luxembourg.
The European Commission says the deals allowed McDonald's to avoid paying taxes in both Luxembourg and the US on royalties from Europe and Russia.

El PP ganará en Valencia y empatarán PSOE, Ciudadanos y Podemos

Los populares pasarían de 20 diputados a 10 o 12 escaños, mientras que Ciudadanos y Podemos irrumpen con siete cada uno y el PSOE, que tenía 10 obtendría entre 6 y 7..Los populares se mantendrán como primera fuerza más votada en la Comunidad Valenciana, a pesar de que pueden perder la mitad de los escaños que obtuvieron en las elecciones generales de 2011.

Space talk: RT to hold live Q&A with ISS crew

RT studio in Moscow is hosting a live Q&A session with Mikhail Korniyenko and Scott Kelly, current members of the International Space Station, on December 3, at 14:20 GMT. RT’s online audience has been given a chance to ask any question about “spacey” stuff.

Islamic State: Why West’s plan may not work

.. Defeating Islamic State (IS) could be extremely difficult despite the new impetus from international coalition forces to attack its territory in Syria, regional experts are warning. The U.K. launched its first air strikes on IS territory in the troubled Middle Eastern country on Wednesday night, within hours of a parliamentary vote backing the move. Yet with divisions within the anti-IS forces, particularly between Russia and Turkey, it may be difficult to win a lasting peace.

Leaving behind baby and bombs, couple sows panic in California

On Wednesday morning, Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, dropped off their six-month-old baby with Farook's mother, saying they were going to a doctor's appointment. By noon, according to police, the couple had donned assault clothing, armed themselves with rifles and stormed a holiday party attended by San Bernardino County employees, killing 14 people and wounding 17 others.

San Bernardino Shooting Kills at Least 14; Two Suspects Are Dead

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. — A heavily armed man and woman terrorized this city on Wednesday, killing at least 14 people and wounding at least 17 at a social services center before leading the police on a manhunt culminating in a shootout that left the two suspects dead, the authorities said.
Panic, chaos and rumor gripped this largely working-class community about 60 miles east of Los Angeles as the attackers carried out the nation’s worst mass shooting since the assault on an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., nearly three years ago.

"La Turchia si pentirà di ciò che ha fatto". Putin sospende negoziati gasdotto

Nel discorso alla nazione il capo del Cremlino rinnova le accuse ad Ankara e usa toni minacciosi: "Continueranno a pentirsi di ciò che hanno fatto, non se la caveranno con i pomodori". La replica di Erdogan: "Accuse immorali contro di me e la mia famiglia"
MOSCA - "Se qualcuno pensa che la reazioni della Russia saranno limitate alle sanzioni commerciali, si sbaglia di grosso".