RussiaToday-Video-News-World:Pivotal Axis: Germany may gain special access to China's markets

Europe's top economy is looking east. China is now Germany's third largest trading partner. And Beijing could grant Berlin special access to its markets, leaving the rest of Europe trailing far behind. RT's Peter Oliver explains

Lavabit owner Ladar Levison told RT that he had no choice but to close his email service because the FBI, in pursuit of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, forced him into an ethical dilemma by demanding he hand over customers' personal data

Apathybot has a new sexy SUV, but his list of custom license plate numbers may have gotten him in trouble, just what does he and a famous New Jersey atheist want on their plates? Find out right now!

Leading US tech companies are seeking to undo the damage from the NSA scandal that revealed their part in government spy programs. The internet giants are asking the Federal court to let them reveal details about the agency's data requests - a move that's been slammed by the Justice Department. RT's Lucy Kafanov looks at what could have prompted this fight for transparency.

n a recent speech, Barack Obama expressed his belief in America's exceptional role in world's affairs, something that gives it the right to get involved in conflicts around the globe. But, in an exclusive interview with RT, Ecuador's President says Obama's rhetoric resembles that of the Nazi leadership during the second world war. It's not only Ecuador that has been left unimpressed by Obama's exceptionalism rhetoric, his claims were met with bewilderment all across the globe. George Galloway, British MP for the Respect Party believes such ideas won't bode well for the United States.

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