RussiaToday-Video-News:War on Journalism: FBI accuses FOX reporter of aiding espionage

The scandal around the US government spying on journalists appears to be spreading. In the latest twist it's been revealed that personal phone records and e-mails of a Fox News reporter were seized as part of a leak investigation. This latest incident comes hot on the heels of an Associated Press wiretapping scandal, when members of staff had their calls and e-mails monitored.
RT's Washington correspondent Gayane Chichakyan looks at the implications, that these cases might have for journalism in America. And RT news editor, Ivor Crotty, explains why there's a fear the US government's war on whistleblowers might go much further.

A US Senate committee has voted for a bill to arm the Syrian rebels, who are trying to topple President Assad's regime. It's the first time in two years of the ongoing civil war that America's lawmakers have agreed to give the battling opposition lethal support. However the bill still has a long way to go, before it could come into force. Author and historian Gerald Horne believes Washington has learned nothing from its past mistakes

A man believed to be soldier has been beheaded in an attack on a street outside Woolwich barracks in South East London. Prime Minster David Cameron has cut short a trip to Paris over what is being treated as a terrorist attack

Is Bitcoin a viable alternative currency? Is it as volatile and dangerous as critics claim? Are virtual currencies the future of banking? And is Bitcoin the political equivalent of the Occupy movement? CrossTalking with Amir Taaki, Daniel Castro and Ed Butowsky.

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