Press TV news Iran:‘Western media blackout on Bahrain unjustifiable’

A political analyst has dismissed Western media’s purposeful ignoring of Bahrain’s situation as unjustifiable, describing it as part of a “hidden agenda” to turn a blind eye to the miseries of the Bahraini people, Press TV reports.

“There is a total blackout in the Western media on what is going on in Bahrain,” Saeed Shehabi, with the Bahrain Freedom Movement, said on Wednesday.

“I believe that there is hidden agenda” with Western media which are totally ignoring the plight of the Bahrainis while concentrating on other places of interest to them,” he added, stressing that such policy “cannot be excused or understood.”

The analyst went on to say that the Bahrainis have been persistent in their daily protests, which is indicative of their determination to get a political change in their country by themselves, without relying on the US and the West to change the situation.

“The only thing they are asking the West to do is not to side, not to support, not to continue giving military and security support to this defunct regime,” he added.

Bahrainis have been staging demonstrations since mid-February 2011, calling for political reforms and a constitutional monarchy, a demand that later changed to an outright call for the ouster of the ruling Al Khalifa family following its brutal crackdown on popular protests.

Scores have been killed, many of them under torture, while in custody, and thousands more detained since the popular uprising in the Persian Gulf kingdom.

Protesters say they will continue to hold anti-regime demonstrations until their demand for the establishment of a democratically-elected government and an end to rights violations are met.

15 killed in a bomb blast in northern Iraq

At least 15 people have been killed in a car bomb attack in a village east of Iraq’s northern city of Mosul, police officials say.

The bomb attack was carried out in a residential area of Al-Muwaffaqiyah, a village east of Mosul, on Thursday.

On October 15, nearly a dozen people lost their lives in a blast targeting a group of worshipers as they were leaving a mosque in the city of Kirkuk after prayers marking Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice).

Iraqi officials said around 20 people were also wounded in the bomb explosion.

Iraq has been the scene of numerous bombings and shooting attacks over the past few months. Most of the attacks have targeted crowded places, such as mosques, markets, and cafes.

According to Iraqi medical sources, the violence has taken its toll on the lives of more than 300 people since the beginning of October.

On October 14, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the recent bombings in Iraq.

“The United Nations, including the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), will continue to support the government and people of Iraq in building a peaceful, democratic, and prosperous country,” Ban’s spokesman said in a statement.

According to the United Nations, almost 1,000 people were killed and more than 2,000 wounded in violence in Iraq in September, making it one of the deadliest months in recent years.


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