WSJDigitalNetwork-Video-News:The Foreign Bureau: WSJ's Global News Update

Tracking the Jihadi push in Anbar, Greenland's mining controversy, and the Arab Spring springs back in Tunisia. The Foreign Bureau follows the top world stories of the day. Photo: Associated Press.

A pair of government decisions in Greenland mean that the island nation will soon allow mining for radioactive and rare-earth materials. WSJ's The Foreign Bureau tracks the story. Photo: Associated Press.

Deep disappointment with high unemployement and lack of personal liberties has sent people to the streets by the thousands in a country where the Arab Spring was born. Via The Foreign Bureau, WSJ's global new show. Photo: Associated Press

In today's pictures, a boy's head is shaved in Myanmar, a giraffe observes visitors at a German zoo, Britain's royal family releases a rare photo, and more.

WSJ Live loves showing you animals. For Halloween, here are our top five SCARY animals. The twist: none of them are actually harmful to humans. There's another twist, but you have to watch. Preferably not alone in the dark...

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