Εκατό ναυτικά μίλια νοτιοανατολικά της Κρήτης εντοπίστηκαν αντικείμενα που εκτιμάται ότι πρόκειται για συντρίμμια του μοιραίου αεροσκάφους της EgyptAir, τα ίχνη του οποίου χάθηκαν από τις 3:37 το πρωί. Στο αεροσκάφος επέβαιναν 66 άνθρωποι από 12 χώρες.
Αεροσκάφος της Egyptair που αναχώρησε από το Παρίσι με προορισμό το Κάιρο αγνοείται καθώς χάθηκε από το ραντάρ, ανακοίνωσε η αεροπορική εταιρεία.
Το Airbus A320 εκτελούσε την πτήση MS804.
Τα νέα στοιχεία και οι φωτογραφίες έρχονται μόλις λίγες ώρες
μετά τις πληροφορίες που κάνουν λόγο για καπνό στο κόκπιτ του
αεροπλάνου πριν αυτό πέσει στα νερά της Μεσογείου, παρασύροντας στο
θάνατο 56 επιβάτες και 10 άτομα πλήρωμα. Αν και οι αρχές της Αιγύπτου
εξακολουθούν να εξετάζουν το ενδεχόμενο τρομοκρατικής ενέργειας κανείς
δεν έχει αναλάβει την ευθύνη της αεροπορικής τραγωδίας.
Στραπατσαρισμένες λαμαρίνες με το λογότυπο της εταιρίες
ανασύρθηκαν από το βυθό, μαζί με κομμάτια ρούχων, σωσίβια και μια σειρά
από κομμάτια του αεροσκάφους, φωτογραφίες των οποίων έχουν δει το φως
της δημοσιότητας.
Νωρίτερα και σύμφωνα με την εφημερίδα Ουόλ Στριτ Τζέρναλ,
που επικαλείται ενήμερες για τις έρευνες, πλην όμως μη κατονομαζόμενες
πηγές, το αυτόματο σύστημα μετάδοσης δεδομένων (ACARS) του αεροσκάφους έστειλαν μηνύματα ύπαρξης «έντονου καπνού
που ενεργοποίησε το σύστημα ειδοποίησης στο μπροστινό τμήμα του
αεροσκάφους, όπου βρίσκονται εγκατεστημένα τα ζωτικά όργανα των
ηλεκτρονικών του συστημάτων».
Θυμίζουμε πως ο αιγυπτιακός στρατός ανακοίνωσε την Παρασκευή τον εντοπισμό του αεροσκάφους της πτήσης Παρίσι-Κάιρο της Egyptair που χάθηκε από τα ραντάρ το πρωί της Πέμπτης. "Πολεμικά
αεροπλάνα και πλοία βρήκαν προσωπικά αντικείμενα επιβατών και συντρίμμια
του αεροπλάνου 290 χλμ. βόρεια της Αλεξάνδρειας", ανακοίνωσε ο στρατός.
Επιπλέον, σύμφωνα με την ΕΡΤ, πηγές από το υπουργείο Εθνικής Άμυνας αναφέρουν ότι βρέθηκε και ανθρώπινο μέλος στην ευρύτερη περιοχή.
Σύμφωνα με τα όσα είχε μεταδώσει λίγο νωρίτερα η αιγυπτιακή τηλεόραση, τα μέσα των αιγυπτιακών δυνάμεων είχαν βρει αντικείμενα των επιβατών και χτενίζουν την περιοχή για τα μαύρα κουτιά.
Υπενθυμίζεται ότι την Πέμπτη είχε προκληθεί σύγχυση μετά από αναφορά πως είχαν εντοπιστεί συντρίμμια, η οποία τελικά είχε αποδειχθεί αβάσιμη.
πηγή: tvxs.gr
Απογειώθηκε από τη γαλλική πρωτεύουσα το βράδυ της Τετάρτης, με 56 επιβάτες και 10 μέλη πληρώματος.
Στους επιβάτες περιλαμβάνονται τρεις ανήλικοι.
Επρόκειτο να προσγειωθεί στην Αίγυπτο τα ξημερώματα της Πέμπτης.
Σύμφωνα με την εταιρεία, το αεροσκάφος εξαφανίστηκε αφού είχε ήδη εισέλθει στον εναέριο χώρο της Αιγύπτου.
Στις έρευνες συμμετέχουν κι ελληνικές δυνάμεις αποτελούμενες από μία φρεγάτα και στρατιωτικό αεροσκάφος C-130, όπως ανακοίνωσε το Υπουργείο Εθνικής Άμυνας.
Αεροσκάφος της Egyptair που αναχώρησε από το Παρίσι με προορισμό το Κάιρο αγνοείται καθώς χάθηκε από το ραντάρ, ανακοίνωσε η αεροπορική εταιρεία.
Το Airbus A320 εκτελούσε την πτήση MS804.
EgyptAir: Βρέθηκε το μαύρο κουτί του μοιραίου αεροσκάφους
Αιγυπτιακά μέσα ενημέρωσης δίνουν περισσότερες εικόνες από τα
συντρίμμια του αεροσκάφους που στοίχισε τη ζωή σε 66 ανθρώπους, ενώ
σύμφωνα με τις αρχές εντοπίστηκε το μαύρο κουτί της πτήσης 804 (pics)
Οι έρευνες στα συντρίμμια του αεροσκάφους της Egypt Air
συνεχίζονται με τις αρχές να ανασύρουν ακόμη περισσότερα κομμάτια από
το Airbus που συνετρίβη στη θαλάσσια περιοχή νότια της Κρήτης. Σύμφωνα
με ρεπορτάζ της Daily Mail, δύτες κατάφεραν να ανασύρουν το μαύρο κουτί
της πτήσης 804 των αιγυπτιακών αερογραμμών, το οποίο θα δώσει
περισσότερες απαντήσεις για τα αίτια της συντριβής.
Τα πρόσωπα της τραγωδίας
Ολοένα και περισσότερα στοιχεία έρχονται στο φως για τους ανθρώπους
που επέβαιναν στο μοιραίο αεροσκάφος της EgyptAir, το οποίο -όπως όλα
δείχνουν- συνετρίβη τις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες της Πέμπτης στη λεκάνη της
Μεσογείου, κάτω από αδιευκρίνιστες μέχρι στιγμής συνθήκες.
Πιλότος, σύμφωνα με τα διεθνή μέσα ενημέρωσης, ήταν ο Mohamed Said Ali Ali Shoukair και συγκυβερνήτης ο Mohammad Mamdouh Assem.
Οι φωτογραφίες τους:
Μέλη του πληρώματος του αεροσκάφους ήταν η υπεύθυνη καμπίνας Mervat Zakaria και η 27χρονη αεροσυνοδός Samar Ezz Eldin. Η δεύτερη είχε δημοσιεύσει παλαιότερα στον λογαριασμό της στο Facebook φωτογραφία με μία αεροσυνοδό να ποζάρει μπροστά από ένα αεροσκάφος το οποίο είχε συντριβεί. Η Zakaria υπήρξε παρουσιάστρια της τηλεόρασης.
Άλλα μέλη πληρώματος κατονομάστηκαν ως Yara Hany, Atef Lotfy και Haietham Elazizi (αεροσυνοδοί), Mahmoud Ahmed, Ahmed Mohamed Magdy και Mohamed Abd El Menem (μέλη της υπηρεσίας ασφαλείας).
Στα πρόσωπα της τραγωδίας συγκαταλέγεται και ο Richard Osman, πατέρας ενός παιδιού, ο οποίος σύμφωνα με τα διεθνή μέσα επέβαινε στη μοιραία πτήση από το Παρίσι στο Κάιρο. Επίσης, στο Airbus επέβαινε μία Καναδή, η Marwa Hamdy.
Πιλότος, σύμφωνα με τα διεθνή μέσα ενημέρωσης, ήταν ο Mohamed Said Ali Ali Shoukair και συγκυβερνήτης ο Mohammad Mamdouh Assem.
Οι φωτογραφίες τους:
Μέλη του πληρώματος του αεροσκάφους ήταν η υπεύθυνη καμπίνας Mervat Zakaria και η 27χρονη αεροσυνοδός Samar Ezz Eldin. Η δεύτερη είχε δημοσιεύσει παλαιότερα στον λογαριασμό της στο Facebook φωτογραφία με μία αεροσυνοδό να ποζάρει μπροστά από ένα αεροσκάφος το οποίο είχε συντριβεί. Η Zakaria υπήρξε παρουσιάστρια της τηλεόρασης.
Άλλα μέλη πληρώματος κατονομάστηκαν ως Yara Hany, Atef Lotfy και Haietham Elazizi (αεροσυνοδοί), Mahmoud Ahmed, Ahmed Mohamed Magdy και Mohamed Abd El Menem (μέλη της υπηρεσίας ασφαλείας).
Στα πρόσωπα της τραγωδίας συγκαταλέγεται και ο Richard Osman, πατέρας ενός παιδιού, ο οποίος σύμφωνα με τα διεθνή μέσα επέβαινε στη μοιραία πτήση από το Παρίσι στο Κάιρο. Επίσης, στο Airbus επέβαινε μία Καναδή, η Marwa Hamdy.
Τελευταία ενημέρωση: Παρασκευή, 20 Μαΐου 2016, 13:53
Αίγυπτος: Βρέθηκαν συντρίμμια και ανθρώπινο μέλος από την πτήση της EgyptAir
Αναφορές των αιγυπτιακών στρατιωτικών δυνάμεων ότι βρέθηκαν συντρίμμια 290 χλμ βόρεια της Αλεξάνδρειας.
Reuters επικαλείται ανακοίνωση του Αιγυπτιακού Στρατού και αναφέρει ότι
αμέσως μετά ο Αιγύπτιος Πρόεδρος Αμπντελφατάχ αλ Σίσι εξέφρασε τα
συλλυπητήριά στους οικείους των επιβαινόντων.Επιπλέον, σύμφωνα με την ΕΡΤ, πηγές από το υπουργείο Εθνικής Άμυνας αναφέρουν ότι βρέθηκε και ανθρώπινο μέλος στην ευρύτερη περιοχή.
Σύμφωνα με τα όσα είχε μεταδώσει λίγο νωρίτερα η αιγυπτιακή τηλεόραση, τα μέσα των αιγυπτιακών δυνάμεων είχαν βρει αντικείμενα των επιβατών και χτενίζουν την περιοχή για τα μαύρα κουτιά.
Υπενθυμίζεται ότι την Πέμπτη είχε προκληθεί σύγχυση μετά από αναφορά πως είχαν εντοπιστεί συντρίμμια, η οποία τελικά είχε αποδειχθεί αβάσιμη.
πηγή: tvxs.gr
Απογειώθηκε από τη γαλλική πρωτεύουσα το βράδυ της Τετάρτης, με 56 επιβάτες και 10 μέλη πληρώματος.
Στους επιβάτες περιλαμβάνονται τρεις ανήλικοι.
Επρόκειτο να προσγειωθεί στην Αίγυπτο τα ξημερώματα της Πέμπτης.
Σύμφωνα με την εταιρεία, το αεροσκάφος εξαφανίστηκε αφού είχε ήδη εισέλθει στον εναέριο χώρο της Αιγύπτου.
Στις έρευνες συμμετέχουν κι ελληνικές δυνάμεις αποτελούμενες από μία φρεγάτα και στρατιωτικό αεροσκάφος C-130, όπως ανακοίνωσε το Υπουργείο Εθνικής Άμυνας.
Επιμέλεια Νικολέτα Δρούγκα | Πηγή EFE, AFP
7:00pm Egypt's aviation ministry said a letter it
received from the country's foreign ministry says that Greek authorities
have found “floating objects” that are part of the plane wreckage.
6:00pm The Egyptian Armed forces said in a statement that the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Italy, France and Greece are cooperating in the search for the missing plane. The statement confirmed that the search is still ongoing.
5:45pm A Greek frigate discovered two large floating objects in a sea area 230 miles south of the island of Crete, Reuters reported. The objects appeared to be pieces of plastic in white and red. They were spotted close to an area where a transponder signal was emitted earlier, according to Greek defence sources.
5:35pm According to the Guardian correspondent, an EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo is departing now.
5:15pm Egypt’s aviation ministry denied in a statement reports “about finding the plane debris over the Greek island of Crete.”
3:50pm Greek state TV said authorities found aircraft parts in the sea while looking for the missing flight MS308, Reuters reported.
Lyzerakos told private Antenna television that controllers tried to make contact with the pilot 10 miles before the flight exited the Greek Flight Information Range (FIR), but the pilot did not respond. Lyzerakos says controllers continued trying to contact the pilot until 3:39 a.m. Greek time (1239 GMT) when the plane disappeared from the radar.
Lyzerakos says the plane was in Cairo's FIR when it vanished.
10.20 PM
Sherif Ismail told reporters at Egypt's international airport that
search for the lost EgyptAir plane is still underway and that the crisis
management centre is putting into consideration all scenarios that
could have led to the disappearance of the plane including terrorism.
9.50 EgyptAir said the reasons behind the sudden disappearance of EgyptAir flight MS804 from Paris to Cairo are still unknown. In their seventh statement since the disappearance of the aircraft, EgyptAir asks all media outlets to be cautious and to stick to their issued press releases.
9.40 Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi is currently holding an urgent meeting with the National Security Council to follow the latest updates and news on the lost EgyptAir flight. Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told reporters from the EgyptAir crisis center that the search is still underway and that there is still no confirmations on the missing plane.
9.35 According to AFP, France's Prime Minister Manuel Valls has said that "no theory can be ruled out" as to why the EgyptAir flight went missing.
09:20 According to the armed forces, no distress signal was in fact received from the plane. A brief note posted a few moments ago by the army's official spokesman, Mohamed Samir, on Facebook said that the armed forces "had not received any SOS signal" from the lost plane.
09:15 French President Francois Hollande called Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to follow developments, AFP reports. The French president is due to hold a crisis meeting with senior officials later.
Meanwhile, Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail has arrived at EgyptAir's crisis centre, the airline reported, where he will follow the situation in person.
09:10 From an EgyptAir statement: An EgyptAir official said that the Egyptian army's rescue and search had received a distress call from the plane at 4:26 Cairo local time.
The implications of this are still unclear.
09:00 There are unofficial reports that the plane may indeed have crashed. AP quotes "Egyptian aviation officials" as saying that "the possibility that the plane crashed has been confirmed." The search is currently underway for the debris, the officials said, requesting anonymity as they were not cleared to speak to the press.
08:00 The Egyptian army has dispatched jet fighters to search for the missing flight, an army spokesman statement read.
The army is coordinating the search with Greece and Egyptian and Greek naval vessels have been dispatched to hunt for the plane, amid fears it may have crashed in the Mediterranean.
07:45 EgyptAir said the 56 passengers including 3 children on board include 30 Egyptians, 15 French, two Iraqis, one Briton, one Canadian, one Sudanese, one Chadian, one Portuguese, one Algerian, one Belgian, one Kuwaiti and one Saudi. Ten staff members were also on board, three of them were security personnel.
An EgyptAir
flight vanished early this morning en route from Paris to Cairo. Radar
signals from flight MS804 were lost at 2:30am Cairo time, EgyptAir have
said, around the time the flight entered Egyptian airspace over the
The commercial flight left Paris at 11:09pm GMT and was due to land at Cairo airport at 03:15am local time.
Sources told Al-Ahram Arabic website that air traffic controllers in Athens had failed to establish communication with the pilot after the plane went off the radar.
Fifty-six passengers and 10 crew members are on board.
Authorities say they lost contact with the plane as it was cruising at an altitude of 37,000 feet at 2:45am Cairo local time.
Rescue teams and the Egyptian armed forces have been searching the area where the plane was last spotted on the radar.
The company identified the plane as an Airbus 320 manufactured in 2003.
The pilot, who was identified by sources as Captain Mohamed Shokeir, has over 6,000 flight hours while the copilot has over 2,000 hours of flight.
Egypt does not refute any scenario; search continues for the missing plane
7:00pm Egypt's aviation ministry said a letter it
received from the country's foreign ministry says that Greek authorities
have found “floating objects” that are part of the plane wreckage.
Pieces of plastic as well as lifejackets have also been found near the island of Karpathos, the ministry added in a statement.
"Family members of passengers and crew have been already informed and we extend our deepest sympathies to those affected," EgyptAir said.
"The Egyptian Investigation Team in co-operation with the Greek counterpart are still searching for other remains of the missing plane."
6:40pm France is sending three investigators to Cairo along with a technical expert from Airbus, to join the probe into the EgyptAir flight that crashed Thursday, Transport Minister Alain Vidalies said, according to AFP.
"Family members of passengers and crew have been already informed and we extend our deepest sympathies to those affected," EgyptAir said.
"The Egyptian Investigation Team in co-operation with the Greek counterpart are still searching for other remains of the missing plane."
6:40pm France is sending three investigators to Cairo along with a technical expert from Airbus, to join the probe into the EgyptAir flight that crashed Thursday, Transport Minister Alain Vidalies said, according to AFP.
6:00pm The Egyptian Armed forces said in a statement that the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Italy, France and Greece are cooperating in the search for the missing plane. The statement confirmed that the search is still ongoing.
5:45pm A Greek frigate discovered two large floating objects in a sea area 230 miles south of the island of Crete, Reuters reported. The objects appeared to be pieces of plastic in white and red. They were spotted close to an area where a transponder signal was emitted earlier, according to Greek defence sources.
5:35pm According to the Guardian correspondent, an EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo is departing now.
5:15pm Egypt’s aviation ministry denied in a statement reports “about finding the plane debris over the Greek island of Crete.”
“EgyptAir contacted concerned sides who did not confirm the published information is accurate,” read the statement.
4:45pm Egypt’s State TV says no confirmation yet from Egypt's aviation ministry that plane wreckage has been found.
4:30pm Egypt's health ministry announced that family members of the victims of the EgyptAir MS804 plane were aided by a medical team at Cairo International Airport for conditions varying from a mental breakdown to a rise in blood pressure.
4:45pm Egypt’s State TV says no confirmation yet from Egypt's aviation ministry that plane wreckage has been found.
4:30pm Egypt's health ministry announced that family members of the victims of the EgyptAir MS804 plane were aided by a medical team at Cairo International Airport for conditions varying from a mental breakdown to a rise in blood pressure.
Nine family members received aid at the Airport while one was referred to EgyptAir Hospital.
Ambulances arrive at Cairo International Airport, Egypt May 19, 2016 (Photo: Lina El-Wardani)
3:50pm Greek state TV said authorities found aircraft parts in the sea while looking for the missing flight MS308, Reuters reported.
3:15pm Greek military official says an Egyptian search
plane has located two orange items believed to be from the missing
EgyptAir flight, AP reported.
The official says the items were found 230 miles (370 kilometers)
south-southeast of the island of Crete but still within the Egyptian air
traffic control area. One of the items was oblong, said the official,
who spoke on condition of anonymity in accordance with regulations.
3:08pm Missing EgyptAir MS804 debris found South of Greek Island of Karpathos in Southern Meditereanean according to Greek State TV
2:35pm Egyptian aviation minister Fathy told reporters
during the press conference that the “possibility of a terror attack is
higher than that of a technical error,” according to an Ahram Online
Answering Ahram Online's question on why he believes it was likely a
terrorist attack rather than a technical error, Fathy said: "I said so
based on what I read and from my expertise, but these remain assumptions
and possible scenarios. I will still use the word ‘missing’ till we
find the debris."
2:20pm Egypt's Prosecutor-General Nabil Sadek ordered an investigation into the incident, according to a prosecution statement.
Sadek commissioned the Supreme State Security Prosecution to conduct investigations into the matter.
Sadek commissioned the Supreme State Security Prosecution to conduct investigations into the matter.
2:15pm Egypt’s aviation minister said that the last
contact with plane was at 2:30am Cairo time. Authorities tried to
contact the flight again at 2:50am but there was no response.
Fathy also said that Egypt will cooperate with French authorities to investigate to the disappearance of the plane.
Civil Aviation Minister Sherif Fathi speaks at a press conference about
the early Thursday morning crash of an EgyptAir flight from Paris to
Cairo with 66 passengers and crew on board, in Cairo, Egypt, Thursday,
May 19, 2016 (Photo: Lina El-Wardani)
1:45pm Egypt's Civil Aviation Minister Sherif Fathy
said in a press conference that Egypt does not refute the assumption
that the missing EgyptAir aircraft might have crashed due to a terrorist
attack or a malfunction or any other scenario.
Fathy stressed that they will continue to say that the Airbus 320 is “missing until the debris is found.”
1:40pm Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Director
Alexander Bortnikov said on Thursday that a terrorist act might be
linked to the disappearance of EgyptAir's MS 804.
“It is extremely unfortunate that today one more incident happened with a plane from the Egyptian Airlines. It seems that this is a terrorist act, which resulted in the deaths of 66 citizens from around 12 countries,” Bortnikov said during a press conference.
Egypt said that it is not ruling out that the airliner may have crashed due to a terrorist attack or a technical malfunction.
“It is extremely unfortunate that today one more incident happened with a plane from the Egyptian Airlines. It seems that this is a terrorist act, which resulted in the deaths of 66 citizens from around 12 countries,” Bortnikov said during a press conference.
Egypt said that it is not ruling out that the airliner may have crashed due to a terrorist attack or a technical malfunction.
1:30pm Greece's civil aviation department released a statement with a timeline on Egypt Air MS 804's latest moments and Greek attempts to contact it.
1:10pm Greek's Defence Minister Panos Kammenos said on
Thursday that no results have been obtained so far in the search for
the missing EgyptAir aircraft, Reuters reported.
Kammenos said that until now there was only a picture obtained of the
missing plane that was in Egyptian airspace mid-air and made sudden
"At 3.39am the course of the aircraft was south and south-east of
Kassos and Karpathos (islands)..immediately after it entered Cairo FIR
and made swerves and a descent I describe; 90 degrees left and then 360
degrees to the right," Defence Minister Panos Kammenos told a news
Earlier, Egypt's army spokesman said the search for the plane that
disappeared from radar monitors while en Route from Paris to Cairo was
taking place where the plane reportedly went missing, with the
participation of jets from Greece.
relatives and friends of passengers who were flying in an EgyptAir
plane that vanished from radar en route from Paris to Cairo react as
they wait outside the EgyptAir in-flight service building where
relatives are being held at Cairo International Airport, Egypt May 19,
2016 (Bassam Al-Zoghby)
12:50 Families of the EgyptAir crash victims said that
they have no information and that the company said they will get in
contact with them when they do, an Ahram Online reporter, Lina Wardani,
at Cairo International Airport said. The families refused to speak to the press and covered their faces.
12:40 Egypt's National Security Council, headed by
Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, decided to continue the search
efforts through Egyptian military jets and navy vessels, and to work on
uncovering the circumstances behind the plane's disappearance as soon as
possible in cooperation with France and Greece.
The council, attended by several ministers including the civil aviation
minister, also decided to mandate the government with offering all
means of aid to the families of passengers and crew members, and called
on the crisis management centre at EgyptAir to follow up on the
developments and announce any new details
12:20 French President Francois Hollande has announced
that they have confirmation that the EgyptAir plane reported missing
has been 'crashed and disappeared'. Hollande stressed that no hypothesis
should be ruled out, but they are keen on "finding the truth".
Earlier, France's Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Thursday "no theory can be ruled out" in the missing EgyptAir flight.
Earlier, France's Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Thursday "no theory can be ruled out" in the missing EgyptAir flight.
Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault arrives at Charles de Gaulle
airport's Mercure hotel where passenger relatives have been met by
EgyptAir representatives and a team of medical and psychological support
staff, outside of Paris, Thursday, May 19, 2016 (AP)
12:10 According
to AP, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault says "nothing is
confirmed" regarding the disappearance of the EgyptAir flight and is
warning against some unverified information in circulation.
speaking after meeting with families gathered at a hotel at Charles de
Gaulle airport, tells journalists the priority is "solidarity" with them
and extended a "message of compassion and support."
He says French authorities are in direct contact with Greek and Egyptian authorities.
11:35 Airbus released a statement saying that it "regrets to confirm the loss of an Egypt Air A320, flight #MS804 "
According to Airbus, the plane went missing at around 2:30 am (local Egypt time) over the Mediterranean Sea, with a scheduled service operating from Paris to Cairo.
It stressed that until now no further factual information is available, adding that it will provide more details as soon as they are confirmed and cleared by authorities for release.
Airbus expressed its readiness to provide full technical assistance to the French Investigation Agency and to authorities in charge of the investigation.
The company provided details about the aircraft involved, which was delivered to EgyptAir from the production line in November 2003 and accumulated 48,000 flight hours with IAE engines.
According to Airbus, the plane went missing at around 2:30 am (local Egypt time) over the Mediterranean Sea, with a scheduled service operating from Paris to Cairo.
It stressed that until now no further factual information is available, adding that it will provide more details as soon as they are confirmed and cleared by authorities for release.
Airbus expressed its readiness to provide full technical assistance to the French Investigation Agency and to authorities in charge of the investigation.
The company provided details about the aircraft involved, which was delivered to EgyptAir from the production line in November 2003 and accumulated 48,000 flight hours with IAE engines.
11:30 According
to AP, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault says "nothing is
confirmed" regarding the disappearance of the EgyptAir flight and is
warning against some unverified information in circulation.
Ayrault, speaking after meeting with families gathered at a hotel at
Charles de Gaulle airport, tells journalists the priority is
"solidarity" with them and extended a "message of compassion and
He says French authorities are in direct contact with Greek and Egyptian authorities.
He says French authorities are in direct contact with Greek and Egyptian authorities.
11.20 Egypt's
army said it is taking all the necessary procedures to find the missing
plane by dispatching a number of rescue and search jets along with navy
vessels specialised in rescue and relief operations.
A high alert has been imposed in military hospitals and the army is
currently in coordination with the cabinet and the foreign and civil
aviation ministers to provide the needed support.
The army spokesman said the search for the disappeared plane is taking
place where the plane reportedly went missing, with the participation of
jets from Greece.
Fifty-six passengers including
30 Egyptians, 15 French, two Iraqis, one Briton, one Canadian, one
Sudanese, one Chadian, one Portuguese, one Algerian, one Belgian,
one Kuwaiti and one Saudi were on board of the missing plane in addition to 10 crew members.
11.05 According to Reuters, Greece
is deploying military aircraft and a frigate to an area in the southern
Mediterranean where an EgyptAir aircraft vanished from radar screens
early on Thursday, its defence ministry said.
AP reports that the French military says a Falcon surveillance jet
monitoring the Mediterranean for migrants has been dispatched to help
search for the EgyptAir flight that crashed in the area.
spokesman Col. Gilles Jaron told The Associated Press that the jet is
joining the Egypt-led search effort, and the French navy may send
another plane and a ship to the zone.
said the Falcon was on a surveillance mission as part of EU efforts to
monitor migrants crossing the Mediterranean toward Europe.
10.45 According
to AP, the director of Greece's Civil Aviation Authority says air
traffic controllers were in contact with the pilot of the EgyptAir
flight as it passed through Greek airspace.
The director, Constantine Lyzerakos, said the plane was at 37,000 feet, traveling at 519 mph, and did not report any problem.Lyzerakos told private Antenna television that controllers tried to make contact with the pilot 10 miles before the flight exited the Greek Flight Information Range (FIR), but the pilot did not respond. Lyzerakos says controllers continued trying to contact the pilot until 3:39 a.m. Greek time (1239 GMT) when the plane disappeared from the radar.
Lyzerakos says the plane was in Cairo's FIR when it vanished.
10.40 Egypt's
Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and his French counterpart Jean-Marc
Ayrault exchanged condolences on the casualties of EgyptAir flight
MS804. Meanwhile, there are no confirmations from the Egyptian
authorities that the plane has crashed. The two officials stressed that
they need to cooperate to understand the reasons behind the crash.
10.25 There
were no weather issues at the time and in the vicinity of the area
where an EgyptAir plane with 66 people on board went missing on Thursday
morning, European air traffic network manager Eurocontrol told Reuters.
10.22 France
has offered to send planes and boats to the crash area, Jean-Marc
Ayrault, the French foreign minister, declared this morning.
Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail talks to reporters at Cairo International Airport, Thursday, May 19, 2016 (AP)
said that the armed forces might have received a plane signal not a
pilot signal and that they are still looking into the matter.
said that a press conference is expected to take place after 1:00pm
local time in Cairo to explain the latest updates on the incident.
Civil Aviation Minister Sherif Fathy told reporters that all officials
are closely following the matter and that families of the passengers are
present in the airport.
10.10 According
to AFP and AP, the EgyptAir flight which disappeared on route from
Paris to Cairo early Thursday crashed into the sea off the southern
Greek island of Karpathos while in Egyptian airspace, a Greek aviation
source told AFP.
the Egyptian aviation ministry says the causes of the disappearance are
still unknown and has denied all circulating reports of a crash.
10.00 A
joint crisis management centre between Egypt and France has been
created at France’s international Charles De Gaulles airport to be able
help families of passengers who on the lost plane.9.50 EgyptAir said the reasons behind the sudden disappearance of EgyptAir flight MS804 from Paris to Cairo are still unknown. In their seventh statement since the disappearance of the aircraft, EgyptAir asks all media outlets to be cautious and to stick to their issued press releases.
9.40 Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi is currently holding an urgent meeting with the National Security Council to follow the latest updates and news on the lost EgyptAir flight. Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told reporters from the EgyptAir crisis center that the search is still underway and that there is still no confirmations on the missing plane.
9.35 According to AFP, France's Prime Minister Manuel Valls has said that "no theory can be ruled out" as to why the EgyptAir flight went missing.
09:20 According to the armed forces, no distress signal was in fact received from the plane. A brief note posted a few moments ago by the army's official spokesman, Mohamed Samir, on Facebook said that the armed forces "had not received any SOS signal" from the lost plane.
09:15 French President Francois Hollande called Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to follow developments, AFP reports. The French president is due to hold a crisis meeting with senior officials later.
Meanwhile, Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail has arrived at EgyptAir's crisis centre, the airline reported, where he will follow the situation in person.
09:10 From an EgyptAir statement: An EgyptAir official said that the Egyptian army's rescue and search had received a distress call from the plane at 4:26 Cairo local time.
The implications of this are still unclear.
09:00 There are unofficial reports that the plane may indeed have crashed. AP quotes "Egyptian aviation officials" as saying that "the possibility that the plane crashed has been confirmed." The search is currently underway for the debris, the officials said, requesting anonymity as they were not cleared to speak to the press.
08:00 The Egyptian army has dispatched jet fighters to search for the missing flight, an army spokesman statement read.
The army is coordinating the search with Greece and Egyptian and Greek naval vessels have been dispatched to hunt for the plane, amid fears it may have crashed in the Mediterranean.
07:45 EgyptAir said the 56 passengers including 3 children on board include 30 Egyptians, 15 French, two Iraqis, one Briton, one Canadian, one Sudanese, one Chadian, one Portuguese, one Algerian, one Belgian, one Kuwaiti and one Saudi. Ten staff members were also on board, three of them were security personnel.
flight path of EgyptAir flight MS804 from Paris to Cairo is seen on a
flight tracking screen May 19, 2016. (Photo: Courtesy of
Flightradar24.com/Handout via Reuters)
The commercial flight left Paris at 11:09pm GMT and was due to land at Cairo airport at 03:15am local time.
Sources told Al-Ahram Arabic website that air traffic controllers in Athens had failed to establish communication with the pilot after the plane went off the radar.
Fifty-six passengers and 10 crew members are on board.
Authorities say they lost contact with the plane as it was cruising at an altitude of 37,000 feet at 2:45am Cairo local time.
Rescue teams and the Egyptian armed forces have been searching the area where the plane was last spotted on the radar.
The company identified the plane as an Airbus 320 manufactured in 2003.
The pilot, who was identified by sources as Captain Mohamed Shokeir, has over 6,000 flight hours while the copilot has over 2,000 hours of flight.
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EgyptAir: Εντοπίστηκαν συντρίμμια του αεροσκάφους νότια της Κρήτης (video)
Εκατό ναυτικά μίλια νοτιοανατολικά της Κρήτης εντοπίστηκαν αντικείμενα που εκτιμάται ότι πρόκειται για συντρίμμια του μοιραίου αεροσκάφους της EgyptAir, τα ίχνη του οποίου χάθηκαν από τις 3:37 το πρωί. Στο αεροσκάφος επέβαιναν 66 άνθρωποι από 12 χώρες.
Σε εξέλιξη γιγαντιαία επιχείρηση – Πρώτες εικόνες
Ειδικότερα, αντικείμενα πορτοκαλί χρώματος εντοπίστηκαν σε απόσταση 200-230 ν.μ. ΝΑ της Κρήτης, εντός του FIR Καΐρου, από αιγυπτιακό αεροσκάφος που συμμετέχει στις έρευνες για τον εντοπισμό του αεροσκάφους των αιγυπτιακών αερογραμμών. Θεωρείται ότι είναι κομμάτια των σωστικών μέσων του αεροσκάφους.Τουρκικά, ελληνικά και γαλλικά αεροσκάφη καθώς και μια ελληνική φρεγάτα συμμετέχουν στις έρευνες, νότια – ΝΑ της Καρπάθου, για τον εντοπισμό του αεροσκάφους.
Σύμφωνα με τα επίσημα στοιχεία, το αεροσκάφος χάθηκε από τα ραντάρ ενώ πετούσε στα 37.000 πόδια και είχε εισέλθει στο FIR Αιγύπτου 5-10 μίλια νότια του σημείου Κόμπι – σημείο εξόδου του FIR Αθηνών.
Τότε το αεροσκάφος, κάτω από άγνωστες μέχρι στιγμής συνθήκες, πραγματοποίησε στροφή 90 μοιρών αριστερά και στη συνέχεια στροφή 360 μοιρών δεξιά με καθοδική πορεία, πέφτοντας στα 15.000 και στα 10.000 μίλια, οπότε χάθηκε από τα ραντάρ.
Τέσσερα λεπτά αργότερα, το Ενιαίο Κέντρο Συντονισμού Έρευνας και Διάσωσης του υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου έδωσε εντολή για να ξεκινήσουν οι διαδικασίες έρευνας και διάσωσης.
Για το θέμα έδωσε συνέντευξη Τύπου νωρίτερα ο υπουργός Εθνικής Άμυνας Π. Καμμένος.
Κανένα σενάριο δεν μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί μέχρι στιγμής σχετικά με την πτώση του αεροπλάνου της EgyptAir στη διάρκεια της νύκτας, αλλά τα πρώτα στοιχεία και το γεωπολιτικό πλαίσιο δημιουργούν φόβους ότι επρόκειτο για επίθεση, υποστηρίζουν εμπειρογνώμονες.
Ο Αιγύπτιος υπουργός Μεταφορών είπε ότι σε αυτό το σημείο είναι πιο πιθανό το ενδεχόμενο τρομοκρατικής επίθεσης.
Ο Λευκός Οίκος ωστόσο, δια μέσου του εκπροσώπου του, Τζος Ερνεστ, δήλωσε ότι είναι πολύ νωρίς ακόμη για να προσδιοριστούν τα αίτια της συντριβής του αεροσκάφους.
Egyptair: Υπό διερεύνηση όλα τα ενδεχόμενα – Π.Καμμένος: Έκανε απότομες στροφές (video)
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