Jordin Sparks and Jason Derulo Discuss New Albums, Possible Duets [video]

The two told The Hollywood Reporter that they’re both working on new albums that will be out early next year, which means they may be competing on the charts.

“You’re going to win, don’t worry” Jordin reassured her beau.

But he kindly refuted her statement saying he was planning to buy a million of her albums. “First week,” he added..

Both of the young stars, who have been dating for a year, are recording their third albums, but will fans get to hear the two duet?

“We’ve recorded a couple of songs together,” Jordin admitted. “But we’re still deciding who gets which one on each album.”

According to Jason though, if it’s anything like picking out his outfit for an awards show, the answer of who will get what is pretty obvious.

“It will be her decision, “ Jason joked.

- Shannon Carlin, CBS Local


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