RussiaToday-Video-News:Police disperse crowds on Taksim square after Erdogan's ultimatum

The police have fired water cannon and tear gas to drive away protesters from both Istanbul's Taksim Square and Gezi Park, hours after Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan demanded the square to be "evacuated." Protesters claim multiple injuries

The UK prison system's steps towards privatization may only usher it into further decline as the need for profit overtakes already insufficient attempts to rehabilitate offenders. Critics say the UK is putting cost cutting ahead of public safety. RT's Sara Firth explains

With tensions high in the region, Israelis are used to living under the constant threat of conflict. But how prepared are the people of Israel, should they come under attack? RT's Paula Slier investigates.

Her father was a tractor driver, her mother a milkmaid. She was an ordinary Soviet girl. After she finished the 7th grade she went to work: first in a tire factory, then at a weaving mill. Soon she joined a parachute club in Yaroslavl. This was the start of her stellar career. Valentina Tereshkova became the first female cosmonaut in space!ttp://

Moderate cleric Hassan Rohani has won Iran's presidential election with just over 50 percent of votes, state TV reported. 72 percent of the 50 million Iranians turned out to vote, said Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar

An army aviation unit from Shenyang Military Area Command recently carried out a helicopter-aided missile-firing exercise in Horqin Grassland, northern China's Inner Mongol Autonomous Region. The exercise involved WZ-10-attack and Z-19 light helicopters - a duo of the most-recent models of military helicopter designed and produced by China.

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