whitehouse- Νews-Video:President Obama Speaks on Climate Change

President Obama lays out his vision for a comprehensive plan to reduce carbon pollution, prepare our country for the impacts of climate change, and lead global efforts to fight it. June 25, 2013.

The White House, along with Citizen Science, hosts the Citizen Science Champions of Change event, honoring amateur and nonprofessional scientists who conduct scientific research, often by crowdsourcing. June 25, 2013.

Vice President Biden highlights the importance of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which established the minimum wage in 1938, and discusses what the Administration's proposal to raise the minimum wage would mean for hard working American families.

The White House honors 13 leaders and organizations for their work using and promoting open scientific data and publications to grow our economy and improve our world.

Deputy National Security Advisor, Ben Rhodes, walks through the importance of President Obama's and First Lady Michelle Obama's trip to Africa.

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