RussiaToday-Video-News-World:'Egypt post-coup outrage won't end easily, more blood will be spilt'

Egypt's interim president Adli Mansour is promising a new constitution within four months, to be followed by parliamentary and presidential elections. This comes as more than 50 people were killed during a mass sit-in in support of the ousted President Mohamed Morsi.
The Muslim Brotherhood claims security forces used live rounds and tear gas against the crowd but the military blames the deaths on terrorists. Stephen Lendman, radio host and author, joins RT's studio

America's most-wanted man the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden has found himself weighing not one, but potentially three asylum offers. Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia have all spoken favorably of granting him safe haven despite threats from the United States. RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports.

A US federal court has condemned the force-feeding of Guantanamo Bay prisoners as a "painful, humiliating and degrading" practice. But at the same hearing - the judge turned down a request from one of the detainees to end the practice - ruling that the ONLY person with the authority to make such a decision is President Obama. And with no let-up to the situation at Guantanamo, one American hip-hop artist - Mos Def - has decided to voluntarily subject himself to force-feeding. Abby Martin found out how it went, in Breaking the Set.

Edward Snowden's leaks appear to be eating into support for Obama whose approval rating has plummeted almost 10 percentage points in recent weeks. Bad news for him but worse for the government with a recent poll saying only one in six Americans now trust Washington to do the right thing. RT's Marina Portnaya reports.

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