RussiaToday-Video-News-World:Κάθειρξη 35 ετών στο στρατιώτη Μάνινγκ-Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years behind bars

A US military judge has sentenced Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison. Manning faced up to 90 years behind bars, while prosecutors sought to put the whistleblower away for a minimum of six decades
Σε κάθειρξη 35 ετών καταδικάστηκε σήμερα ο στρατιώτης Μπράντλεϊ Μάνινγκ, ο οποίος κρίθηκε ένοχος για τη διαρροή χιλιάδων απόρρητων διπλωματικών εγγράφων στον ιστότοπο WikiLeaks.

Wildly varying reports have emerged of recent chemical weapons use in Syria, with hundreds allegedly killed in the latest attack. This comes on the same day that the UN inspectors arrive in Damascus to investigate allegations of use of toxic arms. For more, RT talks to reporter and international affairs analyst Patrick Henningsen.

A military judge is deliberating a sentence for Army Pfc. Bradley Manning in the WikiLeaks case, which will be announced in several hours. Manning faces up to 90 years in prison, with prosecutors asking for at least 60 years behind bars for the whistleblower.

Damascus is denying media claims about an unprecedented chemical weapons massacre outside Damascus. The Saudi-owned media network al-Arabiya, citing a Syrian rebel group, is reporting that hundreds of people have been killed in the unconfirmed attack. All of this just days after UN inspectors arrived in Syria to probe earlier reports of chemical killings.

Just how much of the net is being watched by the NSA - may have previously been underestimated. A new report says the government's powers to intercept communications, including those of Americans - may be far more sweeping than previously thought. Speaking to RT, Ecuador's President Rafael Correa said that instead of ending the surveillance of its own people - the West spends all its energy hunting down supporters of whistleblowers.

The British government's attempts to stem the tide of articles on mass surveillance have gone beyond intimidating the journalist behind the publications. Just a day after Glenn Greenwald's partner was detained at Heathrow airport, The Guardian's editor, Alan Rusbridger, came forward describing how the authorities pressured the newspaper to destroy documents provided by NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Mr. Rusbridger has explained why he gave in to pressure from government agents, and destroyed hard-drives carrying information obtained from Edward Snowden.

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