Ο Κ. Πουτζντεμόν πρότεινε τον βουλευτή Κιμ Τόρα ως υποψήφιο για την προεδρία της Καταλονίας

    Ο πρώην ηγέτης της Καταλονίας Κάρλες Πουτζντεμόν ανακοίνωσε  ότι πρότεινε τον βουλευτή Κιμ Τόρα ως υποψήφιο πρόεδρο, προκειμένου να μπει ένα τέλος στο αδιέξοδο επτά μηνών και να καταφέρει η περιοχή να σχηματίσει τελικά κυβέρνηση.

Οι Καταλανοί βουλευτές θα πρέπει να εκλέξουν έναν πρόεδρο που θα αναλάβει να σχηματίσει τοπική κυβέρνηση μέχρι τις 22 Μαΐου, προκειμένου να αποφευχθεί η προκήρυξη νέων εκλογών. Οι προηγούμενες εκλογές διεξήχθησαν πρόωρα τον Δεκέμβριο, αφού ο Ισπανός πρωθυπουργός Μαριάνο Ραχόι καθαίρεσε την κυβέρνηση του Πουτζντεμόν επειδή ανακήρυξε παράνομα την αυτονομία της Καταλονίας.

Ο Κιμ Τόρα, το «Plan D», όπως τον αποκαλεί η τοπική εφημερίδα LaVanguardia, έχει σπουδάσει νομικά, είναι συγγραφέας και επιμελητής εκδόσεων. Είναι ο τέταρτος υποψήφιος για την προεδρία της Καταλονίας, αφού είχαν προηγηθεί ο ίδιος ο Πουτζντεμόν, ο Ζόρντι Σάντσες και ο Ζόρντι Τουρούλ.

Ο Πουτζντεμόν ενημέρωσε μεταξύ άλλων για την απόφασή τον προόεδρο του κοινοβουλίου Ρότζερ Τόρεντ, τον πρώην πρόεδρο της Καταλονίας Αρτούρ Μας και τους πρώην συμβούλους του στο εξωτερικό.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση: Πέμπτη, 10 Μαΐου 2018, 21:56

Committee to investigate direct rule to be first presidential act, says candidate Torra

...The candidate for Catalan president, Quim Torra, is determined to look investigate what effect the months in which the Spanish government has been directly in charge of Catalonia has had on the country. In his first interview after being officially nominated on Friday as presidential candidate, he announced that his first measure as president would be “launching a committee to investigate the consequences of direct rule.” He added that this will be part of an “emergency plan” to “both analyse what happened these past months [with direct rule] and towards restoration [of self-government].”
Among the reasons behind launching this plan are the exceptional circumstances in which Catalonia currently finds itself. “We're not only speaking about a political crisis, but a humanitarian one, too. We have people in prison and in exile, this isn't happening in any European country around us,” he said.
Meetings with Rajoy and Juncker
Quim Torra also said that in his investiture speech on Saturday, ‘dialogue’ will be a word used many times, but he will go a step further. “I will request a meeting not only with Mariano Rajoy, whenever he wants, but also with Mr. Juncker[European Commission president].” During his interview, hosted by Catalan public TV, he said that Catalonia has been waiting for years “if not centuries” for Spanish authorities to sit at the negotiating table.
  • "Our plan towards an independent Republic will follow three political paths: exile, Catalan institutions –with the government, Parliament and town halls–, and empowered citizenship"
    Quim Torra · Catalan presidency proposed candidate
The proposed candidate for the most important political post in the country also made it clear that, if elected, he will in effect preside over the government and not on behalf of Carles Puigdemont. This, after some commentators and unionist parties accused him of being a would-be “puppet president.” Yet he also said that his executive is only one more tool towards independence. “The plan towards an independent Republic will follow three political paths: exile, Catalan institutions –with the government, Parliament and town halls–, and empowered citizenship,” he claimed.
‘Xenophobic’ tweets
Quim Torra also apologized for a handful of tweets published some years ago in which he criticized Spaniards, leading him to be branded “xenophobic” by some Catalan parties. “If someone understood them as an offence, I beg their pardon, because it was not my intention at all,” he claimed. Some Catalan parties such as the People’s Party, the Socialists and Catalunya en Comú – Podem, in between both pro-independence and unionist blocks, had asked him to apologize for those comments before taking office.

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