Η Ρωσία Θα ξαναχτίσει ό,τι καταστράφηκε στο Ντονμπάς, στη Νοβοροσίγια — Πούτιν

 MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. 
«Ειδικά λόγια ευγνωμοσύνης απευθύνονται στους εργάτες της γεωργίας από τις περιοχές Zaporozhye και Kherson και το Donbass, καθώς και τις παραμεθόριες περιοχές των περιοχών Kursk, Belgorod και Bryansk», δήλωσε ο αρχηγός του κράτους.
Russia will create conditions to realize the agricultural potential of Donbass and Novorossiya and will restore all the damaged facilities, President Vladimir Putin said in the video address on the occasion of the Agriculture and Processing Industry Workers’ Day.

"Special words of gratitude go to the agricultural workers from the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions and Donbass, as well as the border regions of the Kursk, Belgorod, and Bryansk regions," the head of state said. They are putting a lot of efforts and doing their best despite the challenging situation, Putin stressed.

"Such dedication and fortitude deserve the deepest respect. We will continue to prioritise assistance to you. Step by step, we will restore and rebuild everything that was destroyed or damaged. Of course, we will create conditions for realising the vast agricultural potential of our historic territories which have reunited with Russia," the head of state added.

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