Τα όρια της Ουκρανίας συμφωνούν ήδη εκεί, μετά από επαφές με Πούτιν, Ζελένσκι - Τραμπ

 Ο Αμερικανός ηγέτης επανέλαβε επίσης ότι η ουκρανική σύγκρουση δεν θα είχε συμβεί ποτέ αν ήταν πρόεδρος το 2022

WASHINGTON, March . /TASS/. US President Donald Trump has said that the outlines of the future agreement on Ukraine have already been established, following his conversations with Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Zelensky.

"I've been having very good discussions, as you know, with President Zelensky and with President Putin. <…> I've dealt very well with both gentlemen, and I think we have the confines of a deal. I hope we have the confines of a deal," the US president stated.

Trump has also reiterated that the Ukrainian conflict would have never happened if he was president in 2022, as the US did not have "a competent president" at the time.

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