Celebrity Roundup: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Hold Hands in Lame Halloween Costumes

Last night, Robert Pattinson held hands with Kristen Stewart in public for the first time since that whole cheating fiasco. They made their grand PDA debut while wearing hasty, disappointing Halloween costumes. Plus: Snooki slams tabloid reports about breaking up with her baby daddy, Jenny McCarthy has a sexy 40th birthday request, and more..

A Hasty Halloween for Robsten
Spotted: Robsten holds hands (NGRE RAAK/AKM-GSI)
First things first: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart totally held hands in L.A. last night at a Halloween party. In case you needed more proof that they're back together, this tidbit should do the trick.

The second noteworthy part of this moment was their
disappointing costumes. The stars put in minimal effort for the Forever Cemetery Halloween party — both wore their typical uniform, jeans and a T-shirt, then slapped on scary transparent masks with cartoon-like features. Pattinson's had a mustache and Stewart's featured a giant, clown-esque smile. Apparently Stewart later put on a pink wig and sunglasses, but clearly the two weren't really in the Halloween spirit. What's up with that? Practically everyone else in Hollywood pulled off a fun and/or sexy costume.

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