« PREV NEXT » Justin Timberlake Might Release New Music Monday

No, you're not dreaming. After a seemingly endless leave of absense, Justin Timberlake is finally ready to start making music again. Also: Adele gets nominated for an Oscar, Destiny's Child is back(!), and more ahead.

JT Is "Ready" to Make Music Again
Six long years have gone by since Justin Timberlake last released a studio album. In that time, the guy has starred in a dozen films — including Best Picture winner The Social Network — and gotten engaged to Jessica Biel. But now it appears he's finally ready to return to the studio.

On Thursday, JT released a video on YouTube that shows him walking into a studio, putting on a pair of headphones, and saying "I'm ready." The rest of the one-minute clip involves him strolling through a really well furnished home (his?), while he talks about his music aspirations in an eloquent voiceover.

"Someone asked me the other day 'So, are you just done with music?' It means more to me than anybody else in the world," he says. "I don't want to put anything out that I feel like is something I don't love, you just don't get that every day. You have to wait for it."

So what exactly motivated JT to finally return to music? Was it his fans' impassioned pleas? Or has he merely grown tired of acting? Whatever the case, we're more than happy to hear the news, and can't wait to see where he goes from here. The Hollywood Reporter believes JT's working on a new album, and that it could drop as soon as next week. If you go to Timberlake's website, you'll see a timer that's set to expire at midnight Sunday. So something will develop soon. Got any ideas? Sound off in the comments section.


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