AlJazeera Video-Νews-world:Gauging Hezbollah's role in Syria .

Saying it has "real friends in the region", Hassan Nasrallah, secretary general of the Lebanese-Shia group Hezbollah, has promised not to let the government of neighbouring Syria fall.
Nasrallah's televised address on Wednesday angered the Syrian opposition who have accused his group of supplying assistance to the forces of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president.

In his speech, which came after two bomb attacks in the Syrian capital, Nasrallah called the armed opposition too weak to succeed in its two-year-long fight against Assad.

In an already volatile region, what does the admission of Hezbollah - Lebanon's most powerful political and military organisation - assistance to Assad's forces mean for the neighbouring nations?

As the conflict in Syria rages past its second year, how important is Hezbollah's involvement?

Joining Stephen Cole on this Inside Story, to discuss the report are guests: Kamel Waznee, founder and director of the Centre for American Strategic Studies in Beirut; Louay Safee, from the political office of the Syrian National Coalition; and Nicholas Noe, founder.

Freecycle, an online network where people can share and collect unwanted possessions for free, is becoming of the biggest environmental web communities.
Set up 10 years ago by a group of friends, the US-based non-profit organization has grown to a global network of local groups with nine million members.
The Freecycle concept is being seen as a way to reduce landfill waste while saving money.
Al Jazeera's Nadim Baba reports from South London.

South Kivu in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is both infamous for its vicious and seemingly never-ending civil conflict and envied for its vast natural resources.
These abundant minerals-- from tin to coltan - are in huge international demand; vital to the economies of the developed world as key components in high-tech electronic consumer goods, from laptops and tablets to smart phones and flat screen TVs.
But this demand has also helped make these strategically important metals a key driver of the endemic conflict in this part of the country -- violence that has led to the deaths of nearly six million in over a decade.

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