RussiaToday-Video-News:Restless Taksim: Turkey night lit with tear gas shots & belches

Thousands of protesters tried to reclaim Taksim Square on Tuesday night, mocking the police and calling them to leave. Some engaged in direct confrontation, launching fireworks, throwing stones, and lighting fires.
A van standing on the square was set alight in the process. Police fired back, bombarding the crowds with tear gas, and pushing them in the narrow streets with water canon. Scores of flag and flare-wielding protesters had to flee the square, some leaving for Gezi Park, where some tear gas was also reportedly fired.

American citizens hoping to change the way the NSA monitors their everyday activities have little hope of recourse, longtime agency veteran Bill Binney told RT. He said the way the Patriot Act is interpreted is the a big first step toward totalitarianism. FULL TRANSCRIPT of the interview

Protesters in Turkey are crying out against the brutal tactics of the police in handling the unrest. Witnesses claim security forces show little mercy towards those who take to the streets. In the video posted on the internet, a man in wheelchair can be seen being targeted with a water cannon. The footage has already sparked massive outrage among protesters on Twitter. Professor Huse-yin Bagchi, from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, thinks more unrest would only split the country further.

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