WSJDigitalNetwork-Video-News:Why Is Facebook's Stock Falling? Blame Teenagers

Facebook shares have fallen roughly 20% since the social network reported results May 1 and some analysts are increasingly worried that teenagers are getting tired of the social network. MarketWatch's Ben Pimentel reports.

Sony's Xperia Tablet Z's stylish overall design, screen, fast performance, good camera and noticeably high sound quality make it easy to love, says Katherine Boehret. Plus, it can run underwater. Photo: Getty Images.

President Barack Obama on Wednesday appointed United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice to succeed Tom Donilon as White House national security adviser, in a major reshuffling of his foreign-policy and national-security team.

Dunkin Donuts' latest sandwich combines a fried egg and bacon over a glazed donut, coincidentally released just in time for National Donut Day. Tom Gara joins the News Hub with a short history of donut sandwiches.

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