RussiaToday-Video-News:Moscow Metro Fire: Dozens injured, thousands evacuated from subway

The number of those who needed medical treatment following a fire in the Moscow metro has risen to 59. 15 had to go to hospital and several people, including a teenage girl, are in intensive care. Empty test trains are now running through the stations affected by the tunnel blaze caused by a short circuit during the morning rush hour. A second short circuit a few hours later delayed the re-opening. RT's Egor Piskunov reports.

Watch the full Keiser Report E454 on Thursday!
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the longest word in the German language ceasing to exist while the most complex derivatives in the financial system continue to thrive, George Osborne's Help to Buy Scheme gets called another name and the U.S. dollar system disintegrates, 'gone with the wind.' In the second half, Max talks to Alasdair Macleod, head of research at, about the geopolitical implications of gold failing to clear.

Pakistan sworn in its newly elected Prime minister for his third non-consecutive term.

Minutes after securing his election victory last month, Nawaz Sharif called on the US to end drone strikes in his country - dubbed by the high court as a blatant violation of Pakistan's sovereignty.

Nevertheless in a recent speech on national security, US President Obama defended drone strikes as a justified means in the war on terror.

Chris Woods from the Center for Investigative Journalism believes "Whether the Pakistani government likes it or not, and the new prime minister says he doesn't like it, I think we are going to see those strikes carry on."

Protesters in Turkey are raging against Prime Minister Erdogan. What is the source of their dissatisfaction? Is Turkey experiencing its own version of the Arab Spring? And is Erdogan trying to accomplish too much, too fast? CrossTalking with Alon Ben-Meir, Zayd Alisa and Michael Dickinson.

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