RussiaToday-Video-News-World:CrossTalk: War On [redacted]

The enemies of the US: who are they? Are Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden champions of democracy or enemies of the state? Has the war on terror accomplished anything besides violating civil liberties? And, if terrorism is the ultimate threat, how do we know when the war is over? CrossTalking with Steven Leser and Tighe Barry.

Russia's granting of temporary asylum to Edward Snowden has infuriated Washington. The White House hinted September's summit between President Obama and Vladimir Putin may now be cancelled. That's as some Republican senators called for a major rethink of relations between the two countries. RT's Gayane Chichakyan gauges the US response.

Snowden's leaks continue to span the Atlantic. The latest revelations published by the Guardian show not only was Britain's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) spying extensively on UK citizens - but it was receiving funds from Washington to do so. RT's Polly Boiko takes a closer look at the US role in it

Major telecom companies have been assisting the UK intelligence agency GCHQ by granting access to all the traffic passing through their fiber-optic cable and by developing Trojan software, leaked papers obtained by German media reveal.

Watcj the full Keiser Report E479 on Saturday.
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the good news from China where a worm has been successfully removed from a man's brain; thus giving us hope at removing the 6 foot long financial tapeworms which have sucked the nutrients out of the global financial system leaving behind a malnourished Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) world in which wages fail to keep up with inflation and new workers are put on 'zero hour' contracts. In the second half, Max talks to journalist, author and filmmaker, Greg Palast of, about Goldman Sachs and John Paulson and about Obama intervening in the case of vulture capitalist Paul Singer versus Argentina only in order to help out Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan.

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