RussiaToday-Video-News-World:Syrian rebels plan chem attack on Israel from govt controlled lands - RT sources

A number of anonymous sources close to the Syrian conflict have told RT that rebel forces are planning to launch a 'provocation-attack' using chemical weapons - against Israel. Let's go live now to RT's Paula Slier in Tel Aviv - to hear more about this.

Syria has agreed to Russia's proposal that it put its chemical-weapon stockpiles under international control. US Secretary of State John Kerry initially suggested such a scheme - as a way to avoid a military strike on Syria. The US State Department, though, has since issued an apparent retraction, saying it wasn't a genuine offer. RT's Sean Thomas joins us for more.

What would the implications of a strike on Syria be? Can this sort of intervention be limited? How many Syrians have to be killed to get Assad out of the presidency? And would the jihadists then go to the round table? CrossTalking with Rafif Jouejati and Gareth Porter.

Will Obama strike Syria? Have all the consequences of such a strike been weighed in the balance? Is the evidence of a chemical attack enough and credible to punish Assad and the Syrians? Have we not seen the same story in Iraq and if we have, did we learn from history? We talk about this and more with Jack Straw, British Foreign Secretary at the time when the West took the crucial decision to launch a war on Iraq.

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