RussiaToday-Video-News:Floody Hell: Gross gusher eruption caught on camera in Russia

Courtesy: Youtube Channel ILLful
Dozens of cars have been damaged in Smolensk, Russia as an 8-meter-high fountain burst out after heating main broke down.

Keiser Report: Myths of Margaret Thatcher (E430)

Bitcoin's 'anything goes' nature has made it a target for hackers, who quickly learned to steal the virtual money. But William Mook, an entrepreneur who tracks bitcoin markets, says the actual damage is being exaggerated.

Guantanamo hunger strike continues. RT speaks to Feroz Abbasi who spent several years at Guantanamo - two of them in solitary confinement - before being released without charge. He took part in the previous mass hunger strike there, and shared his experience.

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