RussiaToday-Video-News:Brazil protesters teargassed during brutal clashes with police

An 18-year-old protester has been killed and dozens injured as massive protests continue in Brazil's cities. Over a million people have flooded the streets of the country on Thursday

A hundred cities across Brazil have seen a fresh wave of mass protests while the first death has been reported among the demonstrators, in the state of Sao Paulo. Reports say the anti-government rally amassed a staggering one million people. Political analyst Adrian Salbuchi believes it's ultimately the colossal gap between the rich and the poor that's enraging the people.

The British spy agency GCHQ has access to the global network of communications, storing calls, Facebook posts and internet histories -- and shares this data with the NSA, Edward Snowden has revealed to the Guardian in a new leak

The EU is heading in the wrong direction that's how more Europeans are feeling, according to recent polls. And it's France, the bloc's founding member and traditional driving force, where disenchantment with a united Europe is rising fastest

La edición número 50 del salón aeronáutico de Le Bourget, que tiene lugar a las afueras de París, contó con las impresionantes presentaciones y acrobacias de pilotos que vuelan tanto aviones históricos como aeronaves de vanguardia.

Conocido por su supermaniobrabilidad, el Su-35 alcanza una velocidad de 1.400 kilómetros por hora a poca altura, mientras que su velocidad en altitud asciende a 2.400 kilómetros por hora. El techo operativo de la aeronave se sitúa a unos 18.000 metros.

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