RussiaToday-Video-News-World:Israel behind mystery attack on Syrian port - US sources

US officials have revealed that explosions reported at a key Syrian port on July 5 were likely the result of an Israeli airstrike. Three officials spoke to CNN on condition of anonymity, referring to the pre-dawn explosions in the city of Latakia
as an Israeli operation which allegedly targeted Russian-made Yakhont anti-ship missiles.

More than a dozen people were killed, including a child, and at least 50 injured, four of whom later died in hospital, as a truck crashed into the side of a passenger bus in Moscow, tearing the back half off

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden says he wants temporary political asylum in Russia, and has promised to stop releasing leaks that harm Washington. The White House said Friday that Russia granting political asylum to Edward Snowden would be on par with providing the National Security Agency leaker with a "propaganda platform" to further harm the United States. For more analysis Stephen Cohen, Professor of Russian and Slavic studies at New York University and a former advisor of President George Bush senior, joins RT.

It's one of the basics of being a consumer that you get what you pay for. But people in Britain are finding their electricity bills are a few pounds higher - for power they don't even receive. It's to cover the massive amount of energy which is being stolen from the grid and - according to regulators - it's being used to grow illegal drugs. Here's RT's Tesa Arcila on the effect of the cannibis growers who are hungry for electricity.

Average household debt in the UK has risen by over forty per cent in the past year and it's the payday loan firms who are making a killing on people's meager finances. Some even charge exorbitant interest at over five thousand per cent. The government's trying to crack down on the creditors, over what it calls 'widespread irresponsible lending'. But, as Polly Boiko reports, they're still a last resort for low-income families.

Syrian state TV says the military has found a chemical laboratory which produces poisonous materials in the town of Jobar on the outskirts of Damascus. Sources claim the rebels were planning to stuff shells with the chemicals and use them to attack the capital. RT's Middle East correspondent Paula Slier reports.

Nationwide protests hit the US following the acquittal of George Zimmerman, with protesters burning flags, smashing police cars and shop windows. Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin, 17, out of apparent self-defense.

El misterioso Baikal. Un lago lleno de mitos y leyendas. En esta ocasión los invitamos a ver cómo Erick intenta superarse a sí mismo ante los desafíos que el Baikal le ha preparado. ¿Será capaz de sobrevivir solo en el bosque, habiéndose perdido? ¿Descubrirá el misterio del hombre de las nieves? ¡No se lo pierdan en un nuevo capítulo del programa

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