whitehouse- Νews-Video:Weekly Address: Strengthening our Economy by Passing Bipartisan

President Obama discusses how a large, bipartisan majority in the Senate voted to pass comprehensive immigration reform, which would add a big boost to our economy, strengthen Social Security,
and modernize our legal immigration system to make it more consistent with our value. He calls on Congress to pass this commonsense bill quickly so that we can fix our broken immigration system and keep America strong for years to come.

En el mensaje de esta semana, el Secretario de Estado Adjunto de Economía, Energía y Asuntos Comerciales, José W. Fernández analiza el argumento económico para la reforma migratoria de sentido común. El mes pasado, el Senado aprobó legislación histórica con fuerte apoyo bipartidista y es la hora de que la Cámara de Representantes termine su labor sobre la reforma migratoria lo más pronto posible.

Administration leaders, veteran and military service organizations, nonprofits and mental health professionals discuss efforts to increase access to mental health and well-being services for veterans and their families. Conference participants focused specifically on the importance of collaboration and coordination with communities and providers around the country to help localize this work.

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