RussiaToday-Video-News-World:Putin: Snowden will leave Russia as soon as he gets opportunity

NSA-leaker Edward Snowden will leave Russia as soon as he gets such opportunity, but for now the situation is unclear, says Russian President Vladimir Putin

For the first time since the outbreak of the Syrian conflict, sources have told RT that Israel used a Turkish military base to launch a recent attack against Syria. Turkey has firmly denied Israel used its military base to launch a raid against Syria. Let's get now more perspective from James Corbett, editor of The Corbett Report

Anonymous activists staged a protest by beaming giant words reading 'United Stasi of America' across the walls of the US embassy in Berlin. In protest of government surveillance, Anonymous' latest act of civil disobedience lit up the walls of the Embassy with 10ft letters which referenced the former East German secret police.

For the first time since the outbreak of the Syrian conflict, Israel used Turkish military bases for one of its recent strikes against Syria, according to RT's sources. In the meantime Ankara has firmly denied Israel used one of its bases to launch a raid against Syria. Mark Almond, historian and Middle East expert, joins RT studio.

Snowden and Assange besieged but not defeated, while privacy has a better chance now than it had before. We talk to freedom activist and free software developer Richard Stallman, who believes the fight against the total surveillance on the part of the governments is far from over. The founder of GNU project and Free software foundation speaks to Sophie Shevardnadze on SophieCo about the recent leaks of the NSA and social media.

We are witnessing a revolt of the world's middle classes. How does that bode for global capitalism? Has the system actually reformed itself since the 2008 slump? And, does the world have the resources to accommodate the demands of the rising middle class? CrossTalking with Mark Levine and Richard Wolff.

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