WSJDigitalNetwork-Video-News:Got What Richard Branson Says It Takes To Win? | WSJ Startup of the Year

We asked Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin business empire, to distill down the key factors behind successful entrepreneurs. He ought to know -- he's had huge business wins and a few failures.

Introducing 'WSJ Startup of the Year,' a new documentary series from WSJ Live that matches 24 innovative startups with a team of world-class mentors and tracks their journey from startup to success.

Over the course of 5 months, the entrepreneurs will be given weekly tasks and go through a series of eliminations. Watch as they strive to become The Wall Street Journal's first 'Startup of the Year.'

Lynn Tilton's Patriarch Partners owns a portfolio of more than 75 companies, from MD Helicopters to Stila Cosmetics. She knows success -- and failure. Hear her talk about one of her biggest blunders. Hint: it involves red lace underwear!

Introducing WSJ Startup of the Year, a video series created by the Journal's news department focusing on entrepreneurship. This week we introduce the business, tech and entertainment titans who will coach 24 startup CEOs who aspire to be named 'Startup of the Year.' Next week: Meet the entrepreneurs! Navigate to the "About" section to learn more

The Supreme Court avoided a sweeping ruling on affirmative action in a closely watched case involving the University of Texas, sending the case back to a lower court for a new review. Jess Bravin and Ashby Jones discuss the ruling. Photo

WSJ film critic Joe Morgenstern says Brad Pitt saves "World War Z" from being just another zombie flick. lays out what qualities the eventual WSJ Startup of the Year will need to possess. It will have to be broadly relevant, scale-able and "baton-able" but not viral.

What's News: Aeroflot flight attendants say Edward Snowden was not on board their plane. The week kicks off with a gobal sell-off. Monster's University tops the weekend box office. Joanne Po reports.

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