whitehouse- Νews-Video:President Obama Holds a Press Conference

President Obama answers questions from the press in the East Room. August 9, 2013.

In this week's address, President Obama says that the housing market is starting to heal -- and that it's time to build on that progress by creating a better bargain for responsible, middle class homeowners.

En el mensaje de esta semana, el Subsecretario de Prensa del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano George González conversó sobre el plan del Presidente para garantizar un mejor negocio para la clase media. Esta semana, durante un discurso en Arizona, el Presidente explicó su plan para continuar ayudando a los propietarios de viviendas responsables y a aquellos estadounidenses que desean tener su vivienda propia, como otro fundamento en nuestros esfuerzos para fortalecer a la clase media. Necesitamos trabajar juntos para construir un sistema más justo y duradero que le dé ímpetu al sueño americano de tener vivienda propia, y que evite la pesadilla de otra crisis.

President Obama signs H.R. 1911, the "Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act of 2013," during a ceremony in the Oval Office. August 9, 2013.

President Obama answers housing questions from Americans around the country in an interview with Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff. Questions were submitted via social media channels including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Vine. Learn more about the President's better bargain for the middle class at

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