whitehouse- Νews-Video:Remarks by the President on Egypt

President Obama speaks on the unfolding situation in Egypt and calls for an end to violence. August 15, 2013.

Welcome to the West Wing Week. This week, we broke from tradition a bit and took to our social media networks to ask our followers about what they would like to know about everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

08-17-13 Weekly Address

In this week's address, Director of Public Health Policy at the Department of Health and Human Services Mayra Alvarez discusses the Affordable Care Act and how the law will help make health insurance coverage more affordable and accessible for millions of Americans. Starting on October 1st, private companies will compete for your business and you can make choices about your health insurance by comparing coverage like you would when purchasing airplane tickets or cell phone plans. The Affordable Care Act will provide 10.2 million uninsured Latinos new opportunities for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. To find out more information about the law and how it will impact you and your family, visit Ciudadodesalud.gov.

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