WSJDigitalNetwork-Video-News:Alex Rodriguez Suspended Through 2014 | A-Rod Suspension

Major League Baseball suspended New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez in connection with a performance-enhancing drug probe. Twelve others were suspended for 50 games each. Ben Cohen joins The News Hub with details

Middle managers at a range of companies across the country speak about the rewards, frustrations and challenges of life in the middle

Cardiac rehab programs are customizing safe but rigorous workouts for "industrial athletes" --- those with demanding physical jobs, as well as for patients with active lifestyles. Laura Landro and Dr. Jenny Adams join Lunch Break. Photo: Baylor Hospital.

Assistant books editor Sohrab Ahmari on why Western powers--and media outlets--continue to portray Tehran's new leader as something he isn't. Photo: Associated Press

What's News: The National Republican Party threatens to bar CNN and NBC from the 2016 presidential debates over their specials on Hillary Clinton. China is reviewing its one-child policy. "2 Guns" wins at the box office. Joanne Po reports.

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