RussiaToday-Video-News-World:Frontline: Dramatic report as Syria Army battles jihadists in ancient Christian village

The Syrian army is battling small groups of rebels who remain in the ancient Christian village of Maaloula. Opposition fighters linked to Al-Qaeda have been in control of the area for almost a week - reportedly
looting religious sites and forcing residents to convert to Islam at gunpoint. RT's Maria Finoshina made it to the village following reports that government troops have re-captured it - but found pockets of resistance remain.

The ongoing leaks from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden cause more anger the more they emerge. People across the world are being shown just how much their private lives and private data are being monitored by intelligence services. RT joined by Kevin Mitnick, one of the world's most renowned computer hackers to discuss the issues.

Yahoo's CEO says internet companies are being put under serious pressure by the US government not to talk about what information intelligence agencies are requesting. She said even talking about the PRISM spy program could see her face charges of treason. RT's Marina Portnaya has the details

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