RussiaToday-Video-News-World:NSA 'routinely' shares Americans' data with Israel - Snowden leak

US has been sharing unfiltered intelligence with Israel, including the private data of American citizens - according to a confidential document that was part of whistleblower Edward Snowden's leaks. It shows that Washington set no limits as to how its ally could use the information. RT's Paula Slier joins us LIVE from Tel Aviv

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss America's curse: dollar printing or JP Morgan? They also examine the truth about the fact that despite a mere $4 extra cost to manufacture a smartphone in America rather than in China, production will remain overseas. In the second half, Max travels upriver to interview Turd Ferguson of outside JP Morgan's Park Avenue headquarters. Turd reports that JPMorgan has 'cornered' the Comex gold market and also comments on the bank's silver short and their 'rogue' commodities desk, reportedly being investigated by the FBI for obstruction of justice.

Rebels, foreign Jihadists and government troops have been condemned by a UN report - which found them all guilty of war crimes - including civilian massacres and indiscriminate shelling. Meanwhile, international mercenaries and militants continue to flood the country... convinced they're carrying out the will of God. But what forces men to such extremes? RT's Maria Finoshina has been investigating.

It looks like President Obama is toning things down after weeks of bombastic statements and threats that the Syrian government deserves a U.S. strike. In an address to his nation - which according to recent polls is against America getting involved into a brand-new war - he agreed to give way to diplomacy first.

The prospect of America's strike against Syria has revealed deep public and political chasms within the U.S. - putting president Obama in a very uncomfortable position. That's the belief of Manuel Ochsenreiter - who's been extensively writing on the matter.

Germany's campaign season is in full swing two weeks from national parliamentary elections and politicians are out and about scrounging votes. The political field is dominated by the major groups, like the leftist Social Democrats and Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union. But as Peter Oliver reports, candidates for some smaller parties are making inroads in rural areas as they look to force their way onto the national stage.

The president's position on Syria has turned into one of the biggest American foreign policy blunders in decades. Is the fiasco with Iraq still affecting present decisions? What role do Israel and Saudi Arabia play in Obama's calculations? And, what could potentially stop a strike on Syria? CrossTalking with Flynt Leverett, Meir Javedanfar and Ivan Eland.

While Syria's chemical weapons disarmament is widely seen as a good idea - there's still no complete unity at the UN Security Council. Russia has rejected France's proposal to invoke Chapter 7 of the UN Charter to the document, which would allow the handover of the arsenal to international control. That's because it implies the use of force. Here's how it was used in the past.

It saw NATO war planes bombing Libya two years ago under the pretext of humanitarian intervention. It also gave the green light to involvement in the Iraq and Kuwait conflict in 1991 - as well as the invasion of Iraq 12 years later. Back in the early 1950's - this part of the UN charter also became the basis for the Korean War. But the turn of events recently means that President Obama is unlikely to be able to deliver the same call-to-arms as his predecessors.

Addressing the nation, the US president has asked Congress to postpone a vote on military action in Syria as diplomacy is pursued to put chemical weapons beyond the regime's reach, but called on the military to maintain pressure on the Syrian government

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