RussiaToday-Video-News:America Alarm: Boston Bombing: Emotional interview of Ruslan Tsarni, Tsarnaev brothers' uncle

The tragedy in Texas has highlighted risk management failures in the U.S. - and raised concerns over ageing infrastructure as RT discussed with New York correspondent Marina Portnaya, who's been reporting on a tough week for America.

Tsarnaev brothers' mother: My sons are innocent, this is a setup

Chechnya: Republic of Contrasts (RT Documentary)

Boston Bombing: Emotional interview of Ruslan Tsarni, Tsarnaev brothers' uncle

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss innuendo and paper causing a virtual theft of paper gold in America and a stampede into physical gold in India. They also discuss the five wise guys of Angela Merkel who plan on 'bailing in' some property owners in Spain should Spain require a sovereign bailout. In the second half of the show, they talk to Ed Harrison of about confiscation and German opinion on Europe.

Dramatic video: Close-up footage of Texas fertilizer plant explosion

Two hundred US troops are to be deployed to Jordan - in a bid to help contain the ongoing violence in Syria. The US Secretary of Defence, Chuck Hagel stressed this would also lay the groundwork for the possible future deployment of a larger military force.

Meanwhile Washington's expected to step up its supply of non-lethal aid to Syrian rebels, fighting against president Bashar al-Assad. Dr. Conn Hallinan from Foreign Policy in Focus thinks Washington's move jeopardizes any chance for peace in the country.

The controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act has been approved by the House of Representatives. One of the Congressman evoked Monday's deadly bombings in Boston as a reason to pass it. RT America's website producer, Andrew Blake is closely following the debates over the bill

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