RussiaToday-Video-News:'US shooting itself in leg, Obama hostage to anti-Russian lobby'

Moscow has drawn up a list of Americans suspected of links to torture, illegal arrests and the abduction of Russian citizens, and banned them from entering its territory.
The move is a response to Washington blocking Russians, which officials in Moscow dismissed as "Russophobic". For more on the stand-off, Aleksey Pushkov, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Russian Lower House of Parliament, joins RT studio.

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the Old Lady's gold habit, the gold that may be leaving Cyprus' central bank (or not) and Confucius' famous saying: "IMF STUPID SELL TO GOLD, I'M BUYING." They also look at the Federal Reserve data accidentally sent to Wall Street bank lobbyists and the venture capitalists entering the new Land Grab. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to James Turk about money, gold, bitcoin, currency wars and the nature of bank failures: to look good until the bank fails overnight. They also discuss Austrian school theories on money and how they relate to gold and to bitcoin.

The US has once again hinted more aid is set to head to the Syrian rebels as Secretary of State John Kerry met with the opposition. For many this indicated Washington's sticking firmly to the trend of supporting loyal movements or governments at any costs. And as RT's Gayane Chichakyan found out, the US doesn't limit itself to influencing just one country.

Video: Plane crashes into water in Bali with over 100 on board

A retrial for ex-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was postponed after the judge recused himself from case, referring it to another court. Amid the chaos, sectarian clashes are on the rise, with Coptic Christians facing increased violence. The believers say the police have done little to protect them,

Moscow has evened the score against Washington by drawing up a list of Americans it's now banned from entering the country, due to human rights abuses. That's after the US carried out a similar move against a number of Russians

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