RussiaToday-Video-News-World:Torch Trek: Olympic flame rockets to space

The Olympic torch usually gets a gentle jog around the event's latest host country before the Games start. But, for Sochi, it's going into hyperdrive for a worldwide trek at more than 28-thousand kilometres an hour. Paul Scott reports from outside the Baikonur cosmodrome to explain how.

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss flamethrowers and jihadis in the banking world. They also note that houses in London earn more per day than the average worker in London. In the second half, Max interviews Mitch Feierstein of about the Fed's balance sheet, housing bubbles around the world and putting lipstick on pigs.

A tiny remnant of the British Empire in the middle of the Atlantic - Ascension Island used to be home to barely a thousand people. But even their dwindling numbers are in jeopardy. David Lindsay's family originates from the Island - he says it's outrageous that British citizens could be forced out on the whim of the US military

UN inspectors are back in Syria, to investigate more cases of alleged chemical weapons use. The team earlier concluded that nerve gas had been used, on a large scale, last month. That report did not assign blame, but was still used by Western powers build up a case against the Syrian government. Russia called the UN findings inconclusive and one-sided.

What could a meeting between Barack Obama and Hassan Rouhani accomplish? To what degree can the two leaders really influence policy? If Iran can compromise, can the US? And what really drives Washington's policy toward Iran? CrossTalking with Geneive Abdo, Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich and Tighe Barry.

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