AlJazeera Video-Νews:Ferguson retires as Man Utd manager

One of the most famous football managers in the world has announced that he will retire. Alex Ferguson has been in charge of English giants Manchester United for 26 years.
The 71-year-old will step down at the end of the season after winning 13 Premier league titles and two champions leagues. Ferguson will stay at the club as a director. Al Jazeera's Nadim Baba reports from Manchester.

The main headlines on Al Jazeera English, featuring the latest news and reports from around the world.

Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim is holding a rally alleging fraud in Sunday's election.
Ibrahim has said votes were stolen through massive fraud, helping the 56-year ruling coalition retain power.
Thousands of his supporters are gathered in Kaula Lumpur.
Independent election observers gave a mixed assessment of the results - and are calling for reforms.

Al Jazeera's Florence Looi reports from Kuala Lumpur

In Quetta, the city that has become the epicentre of sectarian violence in Pakistan, minority Shia candidates are braving death threats to make themselves heard. One of those, a doctor and former soldier, is also the first female candidate to run for office in national elections. She risks her life to campaign in the elections, because, she says, she is brave and Pakistan needs to be brave as well. Al Jazeera's Imtiaz Tyab reports from Quetta

As Pakistan goes to the polls, Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder reports from the frontline - whether it is in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi or the terrain of the Swat Valley and Kashmir.

Kamal has brought news, views and reactions from Pakistan on all major events since 2007. He will lead Al Jazeera's coverage as the election intensifies in one of the world's most volatile regions

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