RussiaToday-Video-News-World:Sochi Olympics Boycott: Hysteria or legitimate protest?

Russia's Interior Ministry has said there'll be no discrimination against gay people coming to watch or participate in the Sochi Winter Olympics. That's the latest response to pressure put on Russia by the Western LGBT community, calling for a boycott of the Games.
It's a protest at a new law against non-traditional sexual relations propaganda to minors. RT invites a panel of guests for an in-depth discussion of the issue.

Saudi Arabia, a major supporter of opposition forces in Syria, has increased crackdown on its own dissenters, with 30,000 activists reportedly in jail. In an exclusive interview to RT a Saudi prince defector explained what the monarchy fears most.

In the second edition of Venture Capital - Katie Pilbeam talks about the worrying new estimations on US debt figures with Jim Rogers, a legendary investor author of Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets. As Europe bears the burden of austerity, million-euro salaries continue to be dished out to bankers. Executive Director of DV Advisors Patrick Young tells us if such pay is justified. Can the price of fertiliser affect football? We look at whether that's the case with the Russian football club Anzhi. Plus corporate news and market action in Russian stocks.

Keeping an eye on Washington's own allies, including the EU, is a key priority for the US National Security Agency, just behind the likes of Russia, China and Iran. That's been revealed by German magazine Der Spiegel which has seen documents leaked by fugitive US whistleblower Edward Snowden. Peter Oliver looks at who ranks where on the NSA's watchlist.

A huge pillar of black smoke enveloped the Venezuelan town of Puerto La Cruz on Sunday after a bolt of lightning set fire to one of the country's largest oil refineries, prompting residents to evacuate the immediate area.

In recent weeks Saudi Arabia has launched an offensive against anti-regime activists arresting many and sentencing some to years in jail. Total number of political prisoners has now surpassed 40 thousand according to some reports. The crackdown has even forced a member of the ruling family to defect. RT Arabic spoke exclusively to Saudi prince Khaled Bin Farhan Al-Saud - who accuses the monarchy of corruption and silencing all voices of dissent.

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